
Friday 16 May 2014

Cram well - 6 tips for emergency studying

It's Friday night. That Monday morning exam seems like a long way off. You go out with your friends, sleep in on Saturday and waddle through the day in your pajamas. A little (or really more like a lot) of Facebook & WhatsApp here, some phone calls there and soon Saturday is gone and Sunday has arrived.

Don't Panic!
(photo courtesy of Flick - Miguel Angel)
I hate cramming. I totally loathe it. But lets face it, sometimes plans fail and you find yourself in that situation. Other times, like the case above... well, let's not harp on that. It's done. But you still have time and however little it is, what you do with it can make the difference between passing or failing, even a course!

Here are some tips to help you 'crunch study':

1) Prioritize

This is absolutely essential. It's unreasonable to go over every subject that's on the test. What do you think is the most important topic? The answer will likely lie in what your professor spent the most time explaining (another excellent reason to go to class and listen!). So quickly survey all the material you need and study and select the key chapters, topics or concepts you need to know well. This means that you'll have to make some calculated 'sacrifices'.

2) Organize

Now, it's time to schedule your day (or night). Don't exaggerate your capabilities. Sacrificing sleep for a few hours more of study may actually be detrimental as it'll leave you unfocused for the exam. Make sure you set reasonable goals and mark your progress.

3) Take frequent, short breaks

Studying intensely doesn't means studying continuously. On these short breaks, eat a snack, prepare a cup of coffee, take a walk outside, or chat with someone. I wouldn't advise going online... time has a tendency to slip through your fingers in virtual reality.

4) Eat and drink well.

Caffeine is an excellent stimulant. Drink tea/coffee or eat some dark chocolate - all in moderation. You know your body. (Sorry, I have to say this: only do this if it's medically safe for you to do so) Drink water. Don't eat huge meals. Try other foods that are said to enhance your mental performance.

5) Rest or take a nap.

After studying for a few hours, you'll need sometime to recuperate. The key is to make sure you study effectively when you do study. Studying mindlessly for many hours is of little benefit compared to a couple hours of effective and efficient studying.

6) Learn from your mistakes

Ok. You did it. Bad decisions will happen in your life. No problem. Learn from your mistakes and move on. This experience should make you treasure studying well through out the semester and keep you from waiting till the last minute!

By Marc Mikhael, Ph.D.
The Apprentice's Compass - Navigate University!

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